File(s) | VIR-0505B-19.pdf (6.5 MB) |
Document type | Publication |
Abstract | Terrestrial gravity fluctuations produce so-called Newtonian noise in interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, which is one of the primary noise sources at low frequencies. In this paper, we present a detailed characterization of the seismic field at Virgo’s West End Building as part of the development of a Newtonian-noise cancellation system. The cancellation system will use optimally filtered data from a seismometer array to produce an estimate of the Newtonian noise generated by the seismic field, and to subtract this estimate from the gravitational-wave data. Using data from an array of 38 sensors, we show that seismic correlations are complicated due to Virgo’s infrastructure, but Wiener filtering applied to seismic data can still be very efficient. With the division of the building’s foundation into separated platforms/concrete slabs, and with properties of the seismic field varying across the different parts, we conclude that the arrays to be used for the Newtonian-noise cancellation at Virgo will require a relatively large number of seismometers per test mass, i.e., significantly more than 10, and that the Wiener filter needs to be updated regularly, probably more often than every hour, to achieve stationarity of the noise residuals. |
Author(s) | Maria C. Tringali, Tomasz Bulik, Jan Harms, Irene Fiori, Federico Paoletti, Neha Singh, Bartosz Idzkowski, Adam Kutynia, Krzysztof Nikliborc, Maciej Suchiski, Alessandro Bertolini, Soumen Koley |
Code | VIR-0505B-19 LATEST RELEASE |
Code issue time/date | 10:44, Sunday the 26th of May, 2019 |
Referral URL | COPIED |
Series | Published documents Papers, proceedings |
Annex files | |
Other releases | VIR-0505A-19 |