Observation of gravitational waves from a binary neutron-star merger with LIGO and Virgo detectors.
Summary: Presentation of the results associated to GW170817, limiting to the gravitational wave side. This is within the ASI (Italian Space Agency) workshop "Onde gravitazionali, fotoni e neutrini: l’inizio di una nuova Astronomia multi-messaggero dallo spazio e dalla Terra", December 4th 2017.
Agenda at: http://www.asi.it/it/eventi/workshop/workshop-onde-gravitazionali-asi-4-dicembre..
WARNING: due to file size limit I upload a pdf , thus no animations and videos (nio new material..these are taken from our outreach pages..).
====>NOTE: I have added the comments received by P&P (a few references to papers to be added in the plots. And the "for LV collaboration")
11:23, Wednesday, 29 November, 2017